Mens Warrior Program – Hand game night!

By Tyrone Sitting Eagle

On August 21st, the Men’s Warrior Program had a handgame night for their participants. It was an awesome night filled with laughter, food, and small competition. The program is geared towards men living a healthy lifestyle; this includes lots of activities that are pushed towards exercise, culture, and wellness. This program is hosted by the Siksika White Buffalo and is organized and made possible by program coordinator Frank Sitting Eagle and coordinators assistant Dustin Dick. 

Although the program is geared towards men living a healthy lifestyle, it is often confused and seen as an addictions program; this is not the case and not the intent. Those who want to join can join for whatever reason you want to join. Now that the program has had a lot of traction in the coming years, it has gained a lot of new members and is becoming a program that many have the desire to join. In this current go around, there are over 40 members. When the program started, there were just two participants when it was in its pilot phase. 

This is very good for the community because it is motivating the youth and men on the Nation, motivating them to begin trying hard to live healthier lives. With the growing number of participants, there is anticipation that the program can gain many more participants. 

Photos by Tyrone Sitting Eagle