By Andrew Breaker
On May 24th, Siksika Board of Education (SBOE) unveiled their brand-new commemorative logo for the 2024-2025 school year. This milestone marks SBOE 35-year celebration of education sovereignty, excellence and the remarkable journey from 1989 where they took over control of the education system on the nation from the Federal Government. The Siksika Board of Education, established in 1989, provides high-quality education to the Siksika Nation’s youth. With a focus on Siksika culture integration and academic excellence, the SBOE operates four schools and various programs, ensuring a bright future for every student it serves.
After Siksika took over the educational system in 1989, they started with two schools serving approximately 725 K-12 students. As SBOE continued to grow, they decided to make expansions and renovations for the community including the opening of the Siksika Nation High School in 1996, the Storefront school in 2009 and the Siksika Outreach school in 2011. With these school openings, it allowed SBOE to serve about 1500 students with a dedicated staff of over 185.
The logo was designed and created by a talented grade 6 student from Chief Old Sun School, Dane One Runner. His design was selected from about 90 submissions for the new logo’s creation. The logo symbolizes the culture and education of Siksika Nation. The logo was unveiled at Chief Old Sun School with a special ceremony bringing all the students, elders, community members and SBOE board of directors together. The Event was blessed by Elder and Horn Women, Wilda Yellow Old Woman.