Photos and Article by Andrew Breaker
A powwow was conducted in Maskwacis, Alberta, which is close to Edmonton, from May 31st to June 2nd. Some people from Siksika went to the Powwow to participate. Over the weekend some of our Nation Members placed in the competition, which include in the men’s buckskin division, Fred Rabbit Carrier won first prize. Sheldon Scalplock Sr. got second in the SR men’s chicken category, while his son, Sheldon Scalplock Jr. won the JR men’s category. In the JR men’s grass division, Hutch Sitting Eagle JR placed fourth. A few Nation princesses also made an appearance which include Kasey Rae Maguire, the Siksika Outreach school princess, and Tamia Bullbear, who represented Siksika Miss Tiny Tots. A few more Siksika Nation members included Caius Bullbear, Andrew Breaker, Richard Alexander and his family as well as Darcy Turning Robe and Sorrel Rider. It was very wonderful to see people from Siksika participate and compete in the Powwow.